What rewards can I win?
You can win the following rewards in Virbhumi:Cards: Part of Reward, Promo Packs, and Reward ChestBelPatr: Earned based on Reward ...
What is BelPatr?
BelPatr is a sacrificial offering that helps you gain Urja points. For starters:1 BelPatr = 1 Urja pointNOTE: The quantity of BelP...
What are Leaderboard rewards?
The Top 50 Ranks for the season in the leaderboard for each League (except Padati) receive BelPatr as reward.
What are Season Rewards?
You get the following rewards in the Reward Chest:BelPatrCards Click on Seasons on the Home page to view the rewards for your League. ...
What is Madhu?
Madhu is a non-expiry reward a user gets while playing the game. Below are the avenues avenues to procure Madhu:Win a battle with non-starte...
What happens if all the available cards in Inventory are over?
We have limited inventory of cards of each Rarity. These can be obtained by redeeming specific units of Madhu. If, in an ongoing season, all...
How does my League determine the rewards I earn?
In a season, your League is determined by your Rating and Collection Power. You will advance to the next League basis the minimum Rating and...
How do I claim Season Rewards?
Your performance in a season gives you Rewards at the end of the season. To claim, Tap on the Season Rewards icon (on Home screen) whic...