Leagues and Seasons
What are Leagues?
The rewards quantity and quality are determined by the league you achieve. 7 leagues in Virbhumi divide players based on their skill (evalua...
What are Seasons?
A Season in Virbhumi lasts 14 days. It starts at 12 PM on a Tuesday and ends 2 weeks later at 12 PM on Tuesday.The end of the current ...
What is a League Reset?
At the beginning of a season, your rating is reduced basis the table given below. The new rating determines your League in the new season.&n...
How does my League determine my rewards?
In a season, your League is determined by your Rating and Collection Power. You will advance to the next League basis the minimum rating and...
Why is a lower level card available during team creation?
You have a keen eye! To ensure a level playing field we have a cap or limit on the card level that can be used to battle in your current lea...