We have limited inventory of cards of each Rarity. These can be obtained by redeeming specific units of Madhu. If, in an ongoing season, all the available cards of a particular Rarity get redeemed, we restock cards of that Rarity. Units of Madhu required for these restocked cards increases by 50%.
For example:
A Tamr card can be redeemed with 150 units of Madhu. If, in an ongoing season, all Tamr cards are redeemed, then we will stock more Tamr cards. The restocked Tamr cards can be redeemed with 225 Madhu units instead of 150 units.
Also, when the new season begins, the Madhu units required for each Rarity is reset to its default value.
For example: All available Tamr cards in the new season can be redeemed for 150 Madhu units before they are restocked.