Once you surrender a battle, you lose 1 Urja point and your Rating is reduced by 10 (similar to losing). Let's look at 3 cases where this happens:

1) You exceed 3 minutes for team creation: If you don't press ATTACK after creating your team in under 3 minutes,  it is considered as SURRENDER (i.e. Urja and Rating will be reduced). Here, if your opponent submits the team, they win both Rewards* and +10 Rating. If they don't submit the team, they only get a +10 Rating

2) You submit the team but the opponent surrenders:  You're the winner! You gain Rewards* and a +10 in Rating. Your opponent loses their Urja and Rating

3) Both surrender without making a team:  Both lose Urja and Rating

*Applicable only if you play with at least 1 Non-starter card